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Southern Colonies

by Anna M

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

Anna 5-F
Come to the South were slaves are all about
Southern Colonies
The South is your new house.
If your a Catholic then we recommend you move here were no one will judge you.
We also were made to make money which if you come to the south you can make money to.
Reason for Founding
We were made to keep Catholics safe, But we can keep you safe to.
There is great soil for planting cash crop and food for you and your family, tobacco is only one of the many crops you can grow in the south.
We have hot summers so you don’t have to put on five layers of cloths every summer like in the New England colonies, but our hot weather attracts mosquitos but the mosquitos never really come near humans.
We also have the amazing Chesapeake bay then you can brag to your friends in the middle colonies that you saw the Chesapeake bay and all they have to brag about is the coal.
Most people in the south work on small farms where they grow tobacco,corn,wheat,and fruit trees on some farms they also raise cattle for beef and milk.
Some others ways people make money in the south is selling slaves which is totally legal her so you can bring your slaves if you decide to live here.
There are three more ways people make money here one is lumbering which is chopping down trees and selling them it’s that easy another thing is ship building and fishing which are all easier than you may think easier than risking your life in New England to go whaling or mineing in the Middle colonies and getting all dirty.
In the Southern Colonies we have many places where you and your children can get an education. Most of these places are in Virginia.
Why the South is the best
Why would you want to go to New England with its long horribly cold winter and its very short growing season, you can barley plant anything because of all the rocky soil. Also to make money there you have to go risk your life to get one whale.

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