Book Creator


by Mª del Mar Rioboo

Pages 4 and 5 of 112

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In our highschool we are split in two groups, so half of the students come here for the first three hours and the other half have their lessons at home, and after we change. 
This way of learning has pushed me to organize much better my time to be productive and happy. Also, there are less students in each classroom, so teaching is more personal and enjoyable. 
However, this situation has its bad aspects too: I only see some of my friends on the weekends. It can sound stupid, but I really miss being with all of them everyday…
Moreover, I miss feeling closer to my classmates and teachers. With masks, not touching too much and respecting the safety distance, we have a thick wall between us that makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable in school.
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Some months ago I was very shy as to call friends who lived far away. Nowadays, after a lockdown having online lessons and only seeing my friends by video call, I feel much more comfortable talking with people from other cities by phone. Furthermore, I think that I have also learnt about the importance of taking care of who I love while we are alive. 
On the other hand I have learnt about the power of technologies… But now I enjoy spending my time much more without them: being with my friends, doing sports, cooking, reading or even just eating something I like. 
