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Pteronodon by Mason & Jacob

by Mason Heigle

Pages 2 and 3 of 9

By Jacob Whitaker and Mason Heigle
Mrs. Burns - Grade 2
The pteranodon weighed 37 pounds and its wings stretched up to 30 ft. It was a prehistoric flying reptile and it had a long crest on its head.
The pteranodon ate fish. It scooped it up with its beak. It swallowed it whole.
They don't have teeth.
The pteranodon flew over oceans and lakes for days at a time. They flew in the sky to avoid enemies. They are always looking for food.
Pteranodon was one of the first animals to fly on Earth. Pteranodon lived about 85 million years ago.
Pteranodon lived in Kansas, USA,North America,and in England,Europe.
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