Book Creator


by Education Scotland

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National Digital Learning Week 2018
National Collaborative Story
Schools who took part in the P4-P7
National Collaborative Story
Chapter 1 – St Joseph's RC Primary, Aberdeen City
Story Starter
Loch Ness had become too dangerous.
As well as tourists and photographers, there was now a hunter who wanted to capture the whole Nessie family and lock them in a dungeon. So the youngest monster was on the run, with the codename Braw, hoping the young people of Scotland would help the family find somewhere new and safe to live.
Chapter 1 – St Joseph's RC Primary, Aberdeen City
Braw skipped happily in the sun - it was a lovely day . The trees were green, the sky was blue and so was the sea. The trees were blowing around in the air.
He was happy but not entirely - the hunter was there and he was still out there for his family’s blood and even maybe for their lives. "Never mind," thought Braw, "I just need to enjoy myself, for now it's better than that slimey pond I used to live in”.
He said to himself that he would go around the road so that he would be invisible to tourists. As he walked he saw the beautiful Loch Ness where he had left his family. The water was clear, and he could see someone on a boat catching fish. All around the loch there were huge hills. He saw a long river with muddy islands. As the wind blew, the trees gracefully danced around. The damp green grass had beds of blooming flowers on it. He could hear the traffic on the main road. In a distance was a castle which was in ruins.
The path he was walking on was wet soily ground. The sky was dark grey and the clouds were heavy: it was going to rain. There was a humungous storm coming. The mist came down and he could barely see. He heard deer and rabbits shouting for help - the hunting season was on which made them even more frightened. Braw burst into tears. He missed his family very much. He wanted to go home. He heard gun shots behind him. "Probably the hunter", Braw thought as he kept walking away from the loch. He said in his head and then out loud "I have to be brave and have courage".
Suddenly something grabbed Braw’s tail…
He was frozen in fear. In the gloomy woods the owls hooted and he heard a tree branch fall. He tried to run but whatever was holding him was as heavy as a wrecking ball. He was petrified. He was scared that the person who had grabbed his tail was the hunter and he was going to be put in his dungeon. His heart was beating out of his chest. He fought to get away but could not. He tried to grab a bush and hide in it but his arms were too short .

He wished his family was here to help him. He wished he listened to his teachers at school about how to take care of himself properly so he would be okay. He wanted to cry again, and he definitely did not want to turn around. But he had to be brave. Braw was never brave; he was a sensitive soul. But he knew that his brother James had got caught and thrown in a dungeon, and he didn't want the same thing happening to him. Braw didn't feel confident on his own because he was always with his family. He wished that his dad was here, and he wanted to snuggle up with his mum.
Braw's heart was pounding. Who was pulling him? It was difficult to see, and he was scared the hunter would have a gun and shoot him. His tail was being pulled so hard he thought it was going to come off!! He took a deep breath, and swung round.

"Hello", said his attacker. "I'm Josie".

Josie was another Loch Ness monster – just like him! Josie had a soft voice. She was very skinny and she had scratches all over her skin (maybe from hunters who had attacked her?). She had big bright teeth and was light green. Her big curly tail had lots of spikes. She had a pink bow on her head and was wearing a blue jacket. She looked friendly and strong and energetic; and Braw noticed that, under her blue cap, she had purple horns. She carried a bag which had a blue fish on, and in her hand was a blue iPad. She was wet – perhaps because she had just come out of the loch?
She looked very grown up and responsible, and she had a
mobile phone in her hand and earphones in her ears.
He could not look away from her diamond eyes shining in the fog.
"A-are you a Loch Ness monster?”, asked Braw.
He wasn't sure if she would hear him with the earphones in.
Josie pulled out her earphones and smiled.
“I’m the daughter of one… if that’s what you mean."
Chapter 2 - Strathdevon Primary, Clackmannanshire
"What do you mean?" said Braw, confused.
A sudden rustle from behind them startled Josie and Braw and they stood frozen. It sounded like the hunter was coming. The noise travelled past them unaware of Braw and Josie's presence. Suddenly the outline of a shadow started to approach them. As it got closer and closer the shadow got smaller and smaller until it was the size of a haggis! Out of the blue Josie and Braw heard a right good Scottish accent singing very loudly.

"I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more.
To be that man who walked a thousand miles to fall in at your door!"

BANG! CRASH! BOOM! "OH, me heed is spinning!" proclaimed a squeaky voice. An empty glass with the remnants of a strong whiskey rolled past Braw's foot.
"What is that?" said Braw and Josie together with looks of confusion on their faces.
The shadow emerged from the dark and revealed itself for the first time. At first it looked like a ball of ginger fluff but on closer inspection Braw and Josie began to make out the details of dark blue eyes, dinky wee arms and cobblery feet! It was a haggis! The Haggis shouted over to Braw and Josie.
"Alright lads! I'm Haggis Harry. I'm getting wed on Saturday to my beautiful bride Midgey Megan. You wanna come?"
Braw and Josie looked at one another dumfounded. They did not know what to say. They were relieved they were talking to Haggis Harry rather than a hunter but they were taken a back at the creature that was now on front of them. Haggis Harry's invite seemed a little peculiar considering they had only just met one another never mind him and his wife to be.
Suddenly, Braw, Josie and Haggis Harry heard footsteps approaching them urgently. The minute the footsteps were visible Harry knew they had to run before it was too late
"Follow me! We need to run away, far, far away!" Screamed Harry to his new found friends.