Book Creator


by Education Scotland


National Digital Learning Week 2018
National Collaborative Story
Nursery -P3
Schools who took part in the Nursery - P3
National Collaborative Story
Chapter 1 – Grandtully Primary, Perth and Kinross
Story Starter
Loch Ness had become too dangerous.

As well as tourists and photographers, there was now a hunter who wanted to capture the whole Nessie family and lock them in a dungeon. So the youngest monster was on the run, with the codename Braw, hoping the young people of Scotland would help the family find somewhere new and safe to live.

One day, Braw was being chased along a foggy lane, when suddenly something grabbed Braw’s tail…

Chapter 1 – Grandtully Primary, Perth and Kinross
He span around and saw Myiah still holding on to the end of his tail. "Wow are you a dinosaur?" She said, then from behind her lots of voices started shouting questions. "What's your name?" "Are you ok?" "Where are your family?" "Where do you live?" "Are you injured?" "How long is your tail?" " How old are you – which primary are you in?"

"Whoah slow down one at a time" said Braw. "Who are you? And why are you holding my tail?" "We are P1-3 from Grandtully Primary School, we are on a school trip to the Perth Museum to find out all about bones, we love finding out about bones and animals and dinosaurs and things from the past and all that kind of stuff" said Jacob. "We are holding your tail because we were wondering what you were, we are very curious" said Anna excitedly. "Why aren't you with your family?" Asked Ellie.

Braw told the children that his family had been chased away from their home and he was trying to find somewhere new for them to live and he needed help. "We would love to help" shouted Julia "We are the Wee school with BIG ideas! And we are really good at working together" said Sofia.
The children dressed Braw up in a Grandtully uniform and huddled around him to disguise him a bit. They all went to a shop to buy a map of Scotland to start their plan. Next they jumped on the school bus back to Grandtully School so they could figure out how to keep Braw and his family safe.

Back at school the children found out a bit more about Braw and his family and what they needed. They needed to be near water, somewhere with lots of food, (Braw's favourite food was salmon) and somewhere quiet where the hunters would not think of looking. Jillie Ann started to research Lochs. Most of the children had been to Loch Tay in Kenmore and thought that might be a good place to live.
Loch Tay is not as deep as Loch Ness it's only about 150m deep, so the hunters might think it was too shallow for the family to live in. There are a lot of fish in the Loch so that would be good and ducks that could chase the hunters away.
There is also a Crannog that could hide the family. And the Nessie family could swim down the River Tay to visit Grandtully whenever they wanted! The children organised for Braw to visit Loch Tay and stay for a night to see if he liked it. The children gave Braw a special waterproof iPad to stay in touch and went back to school they decided to keep on researching other Lochs incase Loch Tay wasn't right.