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Romeo e Giulietta

by Autore


Romeo and Juliet
By Loconte Christian, Pinto Vincenzo e Tagliente Gioia!
Narrator:Many years ago in Verona,Italy,there were two families  
Capulets: We are the capulets
Montagues: We are the Montagues
Narrator: These families are always fighting, The Montagues have a son,Romeo.The                                   
                Capulets have a daughter,Juliet
Narrator:One night the Capulets have a party and Romeo goes. He Meets Juliet and      
               they fall in love!
Juliet: Oh Romeo,why are you a Montague 
Romeo: Oh Juliet,why are you a Capulets
Narrator:  Romeo and Juliet talk and decide to get married
Romeo: Oh Juliet do you want marry me?
Juliet: Yes,I do!
Narrator: They know that their families will be very angry so they go to Friar                  
               Lawrence and are married in secret
Priet: I’ll help you!
Narrator: Romeo is exiled from the city!Romeo si exiles from the city because He 
               Fight Mercurio.
Narrator: Juliet goes to Friar Lawrence for help
Juliet: oh priest help we!
Priet: Here is a special drink.You will sleep for two days.Your Family will think you     
          are dead but you will wake up.Then you and Romeo can be free together
Narrator:Friar Lawrence sends Romeo a letter to tell him the plan.But Romeo 
              doesn’t get the message.He hears that Juliet is Dead!,
Romeo: oh no my Juliet!!
Narrator: Romeo drink the potion and he dead!
Romeo: Now i will stay with you forever!
Narrator: to late,Juliet wakes up! She sees what happened
Juliet: Oh no! You didn’t leave and poison for me but nere is your knife
Narrator:Romeo and Juliet are both dead. Friar Lawrence tells the Capulets and           
              Montagues what happened. They are so sad they agree not to fight any 

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