Book Creator

Monarch Butterflies

by Jennifer Michels

Pages 2 and 3 of 9

Taking Care of Monarch Butterflies
Monarch Butterflies need our help to create safe habitats where they can thrive.

We have a garden area outside the school that we will use to create our Monarch Butterfly Garden.

Let's see what we need to do to help the butterflies!
Monarch butterflies lay their eggs on Milkweed because that is the only plant that the caterpillar eats. We need to plant Milkweed in our garden for the caterpillars to eat.

We will plant common Milkweed.
Monarch caterpillars start off very small. We will see them grow and change. They eat milkweed.
We will get to watch them in our classroom and learn about them as they grow!
When the Monarch caterpillar is big enough, it will hang itself under leaf in a "j" shape. This means it is ready to spin into its chrysalis.
The caterpillar stays inside the chrysalis and begins its transformation into a butterfly!
After about a week, the chrysalis will turn clear like glass. That means the butterfly is almost ready to emerge. Once the butterfly breaks out of the chrysalis it will need to dry its wings and get ready for flying.
When the butterflies wings are dry and ready, we will take them outside to be released in our garden area.