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The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

by Angelo Overland


NARRATOR: Once upon a time two mouses were cousins:the Town Mouse and Country Mouse. One day Town Mouse decided to visit the Country Mouse.
C.M: Hi,welcome!(happy and welcomed)
T.M: thanks for the welcome.
C.M: You arrived just in time for lunch
NARRATOR: So that, the country mouse he served him a dish based on: carrots, roots and hay with a glass of cold water.
T.M: Hmm It's that It's that simple...
NARRATOR: After the meal they started talking about city life ... and the Town Mouse she had an idea!
T.M: I had a brilliant idea! Why don't you come to town with me?
C.M: Yes gladly.
NARRATOR: As soon as they arrived at the house they returned the set table; the Country Mouse she was enchanted.
C.M: Wow! How many good delights!
T.M: You saw how much it is beautiful stay in there!
NARRATOR: They did not have time to start eating that they felt the cat that the Country Mouse feared stopped in Town Mouse's den only long enough to pick up her carpet bag and umbrella.
C.M: You may have luxurious and dainties that I have not, but I prefer my plain food and simple life in the country with the peace and security that go with it.
NARRATOR: Poverty with security is better than plenty in midst of fear and uncertainty.

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