Book Creator

Physical distancing

by Celine Wong

Pages 2 and 3 of 16

Physical distancing
New Zealand is moving to alert level 3.
At level 3, there might be some changes.
For example, there might be new people in your bubble, like close family members and caregivers.
Even though we are moving to alert level 3, we still need to practise physical or social distancing.
This is because of a virus called Covid-19.
It is spreading around the world.
The virus has been spreading from person to person. There are different ways the virus can spread.

One way it can spread is when someone who has the virus touches another person that doesn't have the virus.
I can help fight the virus by physical distancing.
Physical distancing means that when I am outside...

I leave a 2 metre space between me and other people.

I don't have to stay 2 metres away from people that are in my bubble.
2 metres
2 metres is about as long as a bed.
2 metres