Book Creator

Knjižica recepata

by Marija Jukić


Osnovna škola Ivane Brlić Mažuranić

Bogatstvo jezika i okusa
Knjižica recepata izrađena povodom obilježavanja Europskog dana jezika i Mjeseca hrvatske knjige

rujan-listopad 2023.


75g Margarine
125g Zucker
2 Eier
1 TL Kakaopulver
1 TL Zimt
1 Msp Nelkenpulver
100g Zitronat, gemahlen
100g Orangeat, gemahlen
150g Nüssen, gemahlen
125ml Milch
250g Mehl
2 Tropfen Bittermandelaroma
1 Pck. Backpulver
n.B. Oblaten für Lebkuchen
1 Pck. Kuvertüre, Vollmilch oder Zartbitter


Den Backofen auf 150ºC vorheizen. Margarine, Zucker, Eier, Zimt, Kakao und gemahlene Nelke schaumig rühren. Zitronat, Orangeat, Nüssen, Milch, Mehl, Bittermandelöl und Backpulver gut unterrühren.

Nur ein Backblech mit Backpapier auslegen, darauf die Oblaten verteilen und darauf je 1 EL Teig portionieren. Mit einem feuchten Messer glatt streichen. Auf der mittleren Schiene im Ofen 10 Minuten backen. Die Lebkuchen auskühlen lassen und dann mit der geschmolzenen Kuvertüre bestreichen.


• 75g margarina
• 125g šećera
• 2 jaja
• 1 mala žlica kakao praha
• 1 mala žlica cimeta
• malo klinčića u prahu
• 100g mljevene korice od limuna
• 100g mljevene korice od naranče
• 150g mljevenih oraha
• 125ml mlijeka
• 150g brašna
• 2 kapi arome badema
• 1 paketić praška za pecivo
• oblatne (po želji)
• 1 bijela ili tamna čokolada
• Pećnicu ugrijati na 150⁰C.
• Margarin, šećer, jaja, cimet, kakao i klinčić umiješati pjenasto.
• Dodati: mljevenu koricu od naranče, mljevenu koricu od limuna, orah, mlijeko, brašno, aroma badema i prašak za pecivo. Sve dobro izmiješati
• U posudu za pečenje staviti papir za pečenje, rasporediti oblatne i žlicom stavljati smjesu.
• Vlažnim nožem poravnati
• Na srednjoj razini u pećnici peći oko 10 minuta.
• Medenjake ostaviti da se ohlade i tada ih ukrasiti otopljenom tamnom ili bijelom čokoladom.

Prevele: Karla Ivkić, Lucija Duvnjak, Lorena Franjić
Lamington cake


Sponge cake:
3 eggs
150g sugar
100ml oil
100ml milk
130g flour
2 teaspoons baking powder

Chocolate sauce
250g dark chocolate
250g butter
200ml milk

300g desiccated coconut


1. Separate egg yolks and whites and mix whites in a firm airy foam
2. Mix egg yolks and oil with the sugar and easily add flour and baking powder and so as the milk. Add a pinch of salt and gently stir in the egg whites using the spatula.
3. Pour the mixture in a baking tray covered with parchment paper and bake in a heated oven 180ºC for 20 minutes.
4. Let the sponge cake to rest for half an hour to cool down and then cut it in the same size pieces.
5.Melt the chocolate with butter and milk to get a sauce.
6. Quickly dip all sides of the squares into chocolate, then roll them in coconut.
7. Store the čupavci covered in the refrigerator.



3 jaja
150g šećera
100ml ulja
100ml mlijeka
130g brašna
2 žličice praška za pecivo

Preljev od čokolade:
250g tamne čokolade
250g maslaca
200ml mlijeka

300g mrvica od kokosa

1. Razdvojiti žumanjke i bjelanjke i izmiksati bjelanjke u čvrstu pjenu.

2. Pomiješati žumanjke i ulje sa šećerom i lagano dodati brašno i prašak za pecivo i isto tako dodati mlijeko. Dodati prstohvat soli i nježno miješati bjelanjke sa špatulom.

3. Izlijte smjesu u posudu za pečenje prekrivenu papirom za pečenje i pecite u pećnici na 180⁰ na 20 minuta.

4. Pustite kolač da se pola sata ohladi i onda ga izrežite u komade iste veličine.

5. Rastopite čokoladu sa maslacem i mlijekom da biste dobili umak.

6. Brzo umočite sve strane kvadrata u čokoladu, a zatim ih valjajte u kokosu.

Preveli: Emily Reljac i Marko Peša
Chocolate Chip Cookies

460g butter, melted
440g brown sugar
400g granulated sugar
4 large eggs
1tbs vanilla extract
625g flour
7 teaspoons baking powder
700g chocolate chips


1. Preheat the oven to 190ºC

2.In a large bowl, whisk together the brown sugar, granulated sugar and melted butter until evenly combined and light in colour

3. Add in the eggs and vanilla, mixing until smooth.

4. Add the flour and baking powder, folding the mixture until it forms a smooth dough.

5. Fold in the chocolate chips until evenly combined

6. Using an ice cream scoop, scoop the balls of dough onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper.

7. Bake for 12 minutes, then serve!
