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by Bonnie McIntosh, MBA, MPH, BA, CHES®

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Title of Study: ANTI-RACISM ACTION PROGRAM – Business Training
Principal Investigator: Bonnie McIntosh, MBA, MPH, BA Community Health, CHES®
Co-Investigator: Korede Adepitan, Licensed Registered Practical Nurse
Co-Investigator: Olusola Atoyebi, MS Computer Science, BS Computer Science

Study Sponsoring Organization: The Islamic Society of Markham

Before agreeing to participate in this research survey it is important that you read and understand this research consent form. This form provides all the information that we think you will need to know in order to decide whether or not you wish to participate in this study. If you have any questions after you read through this form, ask Bonnie McIntosh (the Principal Investigator) directly or via email. You should not sign this form until you are sure you understand everything in this form.

Bonnie McIntosh, MBA, MPH, BA Community Health, CHES® Principal Consultant of ACE Community Health, University of Windsor, EPICentre, ACE Community Health, 2455 Wyandotte Street West, 2nd Floor, Windsor, ON N9B 3B3, Canada, Phone: 1-800-958-9ACE ext.710, Email:
Purpose of the research study: You are being invited to take part in this research because you are participating in the Anti-Racism Action Program Business Training (ARAP). We would like to evaluate your knowledge, behaviours, and attitudes around anti-racism attained in the program. The results from this study will be used to better inform the planning, implementation, and evaluation components of the ARAP Program.

Study Procedures: We would like you to take part in this focus group and survey online. It is anticipated that 5 - 10 participants will take part in the focus group and roughly less than 30 participants will participate in the survey. If you choose to participate you may review the material in this form at your leisure and electronically sign the consent form below and submit it through this link provided to you within 7 days.

At each stage of this research your confidentiality will be preserved in this study. There is no penalty if you decide not to participate in this study or if you stop your participation at any time before or during the survey process. During the focus group and survey, you do not have to answer any questions that you do not want to, and you are free to skip any questions that you want to. This focus group will take approximately 60 – 90 minutes to complete. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. This study will ask you several questions regarding your participation so that we can evaluate whether this project was delivered as intended. Taking part in these focus group and survey is fully voluntary.
Participant Involvement: If you choose to participate, you are asked to consent to be surveyed twice and attend a focus group twice by electronically signing the consent form below and submitting it through this link provided to you within 7 days.
The focus group and survey asks questions about you and your organization in order to answer the following questions:

- Did the program offer training and resources around awareness, knowledge, and behaviours with anti-racism?

- What impact did the training and resources around awareness, knowledge, and behaviours with anti-racism have?

Please note: you do not have to answer any questions that you do not want to answer.

Voluntary Participation and Withdrawal: Taking part in this focus group and survey is fully voluntary. There is no penalty or loss of benefits to which you may otherwise be entitled if you decide not to complete this interview or if you stop participation at any time during the focus group and survey processes. You do not have to answer any questions that you do not want to, and you are free to skip any questions that you want to.
Alternatives to Participation: Your alternative to participation is to decline to partake in the focus group and survey at any time without any consequences. Also, an individuals’ choice to participate will not have any influence on their relationship with the University of Windsor, ACE Community Health, the Anti-Racism Action Program Youth Program or the Islamic Society of Markham either now or in the future.

Potential Risks and Discomforts: This project is deemed as no more than minimal psychological, social, or security risk. The study team does not foresee or anticipate any risk greater than that encountered in your routine daily activities.

Measures Taken to Minimize Risks and Discomforts: To minimize your minimal risk, the information you disclose will be kept completely confidential; this includes your name, telephone number, and address or any other information that can identify you personally. Your information will be stored and managed securely. Also, you are free to skip any questions without any penalty that they do not want to answer in the focus group and survey. Participants are free to withdraw from the study at any time before their data is submitted and for any reason without any penalty.

Potential Benefits: There is no direct benefit to you for your participation in the focus group and survey. Although you may not receive direct benefit from your participation, you may: (1) benefit from gaining education, awareness, and knowledge about approaches to promoting diversity, and countering anti-racism, hate and bias through the program; and (2) others may ultimately benefit from the knowledge obtained in this study. We hope that the results of this study will allow us to better develop implement, and evaluate an anti-racism program.
Feedback of the Study Results: The results of this study may be made available after the study is completed and the findings are available for release through the Scholarship at UWindsor website available at: Your individual research results will not be returned to you. You may contact to Bonnie McIntosh, MBA, MPH, BA Community Health, CHES® Principal Consultant of ACE Community Health, University of Windsor, EPICentre, ACE Community Health, 2455 Wyandotte Street West, 2nd Floor, Windsor, ON N9B 3B3, Canada, Phone: 1-800-958-9ACE ext.710, Email:

Potential Costs of Participation and Remuneration to you: While taking part in this study, you will not be reimbursed or be compensated for any expenses. You will not incur costs as a result of your participation in these focus group and survey.

Confidentiality: Your participation in this study is provided with confidentiality. The study investigators and are committed to respecting your privacy. There will be procedures generally and specific to not reveal your identity. Every effort will be made to protect your identity. Your identity will not be revealed in any report or publication of this study, its results or shared with other researchers. Rather your responses will be reported aggregately. At no time will any identifying information be used in reports or publications unless you first grant permission. You will not be identified in any reports on this study. Records will be kept confidential to the extent provided by federal, state, and local law. However, government officials responsible for monitoring this study may inspect these records.
The security of all limited confidential information will be maintained at all times. All filed records (e.g., focus group and survey answers) will have a study number and will not be identified by name. All electronic data (e.g., electronic copies of the recorded focus group and survey answers) and databases will be stored on a secure computer that is password protected.

Only the Principal Investigator, and the ACE Community Health research team will have access to your focus group and survey results for a minimum of 5 years. All information collected will be stored and locked in a secure place that only the study investigators will have access to. The data obtained will only be used for analysis purposes. Your responses will be combined with those of the other survey respondents. Therefore, the information will be reported aggregately from the group as a whole. Your confidentiality will be respected. When data is no longer maintained, electronic files and backup media will be destroyed in a manner appropriate for the media to ensure privacy.

Subsequent Use of Data: No information that reveals your identity will be released or published without your additional consent beyond this form.

By signing this form, you are authorizing your consent to participate in this focus group and survey.
Who can you contact if you have more questions about this study? If you have any questions about the nature or findings of this study, you may contact Bonnie McIntosh, MBA, MPH, BA Community Health, CHES® Principal Consultant of ACE Community Health, University of Windsor, EPICentre, ACE Community Health, 2455 Wyandotte Street West, 2nd Floor, Windsor, ON N9B 3B3, Canada, Phone: 1-800-958-9ACE ext.710, Email:

Who can you contact if you have more questions about your rights as a participant in this study? If you have questions regarding your rights as a research participant, contact: The Office of Research Ethics, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4; Telephone: 519-253-3000, ext. 3948; e‑mail: