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by Bonnie McIntosh, MBA, MPH, BA, CHES®

Pages 4 and 5 of 7

The Types of Questions that will be Asked are: (1) Did the program offer training and resources around awareness, knowledge, and behaviours with anti-racism? and (2) What impact did the training and resources around awareness, knowledge, and behaviours with anti-racism have?

Voluntary Participation and Withdrawal: Your choice to participate will be protected. You can skip any questions that you don’t want to answer, and you can change your mind during the interview or survey process by clicking “Cancel” while taking the survey or saying “I don’t want to do take this interview” while taking the interview. If you are less than 18 years of age, then your consent along with your parent/guardian consent is required, but you will have the last say. This means that if your parent/guardian consents to you taking part in this study, but you choose not to, then you don’t have to take part in this study. If you are 18 years of age or older then parent/guardian consent is not required.

Your Other Choice to Participation: Your other choice to participation is to not partake in the interview and survey at any time without any consequences. Also, an individuals’ choice to participate will not have any influence on their relationship with the University of Windsor, ACE Community Health, the Anti-Racism Action Program Youth Program or the Islamic Society of Markham either now or in the future.
What are the Potential Risks and Discomforts for Partaking Part in the Study: This project is considered to have no more than minimal psychological, social, or security risk. The study team does not expect any risk greater than that experienced in your routine daily activities.

What Steps are Taken to Decrease the Risks and Discomforts? To minimize your minimal risk, the information you disclose will be kept completely confidential; this includes your name, telephone number, and address or any other information that can identify you personally. Your information will be stored and managed securely. Also, you are free to skip any questions without any penalty that they do not want to answer in the interview and survey. Participants are free to withdraw from the study at any time before their data is submitted and for any reason without any penalty.

What’s the Potential Benefit for Taking Part in the Study? There is no direct benefit to you for taking part in this study. Although you may not get direct benefit from your participation, you may benefit from gaining education, awareness, and knowledge about how to promote diversity, and counter anti-racism, hate and bias. Also, others may benefit from the knowledge gained in this study; we hope that the results of this study will help to improve this anti-racism program.

Getting the Results: The results of this study may be made available after the study is completed and the findings are available for release through the Scholarship at UWindsor website available at: Your individual research results will not be returned to you.

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