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by Abigail Millo

Pages 4 and 5 of 8

Written by Abby Millo
I think everyone should go to Clemson! It is the best school in the world.
Clemson has the best students, football, classes, and views.
Clemson is known for it's football.
The games are so fun and the whole school goes!
Clemson is hard to get into, but once you're in, it is so rewarding and you will have the time of your life!
There is always something to do in Clemson. Whether it's walking on the dikes, swimming in the lake, going hiking, studying on campus, and so many other amazing activities.
Clemson has Greek Life which is a great way to get involved on campus. I am a member of Chi Omega, but there are 13 sororities!
Here is a video showing just how amazing Clemson is!
Overall, Clemson is an amazing school that I think everyone would love. Go Tigers!

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