Book Creator


by Asiyah Warila

Pages 4 and 5 of 12

My little sister Lila got another doll! I think dolls are for baby's. Not my 9 year old sister. The doll she got today has pink hair, blue eyes, and small freckles on her face. I hate it. She get's dolls EVERY day! It's so annoying. But sometimes when I go into her room there's one doll that scares me. It's not porcelain either. It has light blonde hair with a pink dress and a strange necklace. The weirdest part is, it's her only small doll. Every time I go past her room I swear I hear two voices. When I go into her room she has that exact doll. Lila calls the doll Everly. When I ask Lila about the name she says the doll told her. I know she's lying. But why do I feel like she isn’t? 

Today is her first day of 4th grade. I’m 1 year older than her. At our school we have lunch and recess together. When it was recess people were bullying Lila. I was about to help her but I wanted to see what would happen. I soon saw why they were bullying Lila. She brought Everly to school. I started walking over but Lila started talking. “Everly doesn’t like that! Stop!” Lila shouted. The bullies laughed and took Everly away. “Oh Everly doesn’t like us!” One of the bullies said. “I think Everly wants one leg!” The other person said. Lila smiled. “Try to.” Lila said, her smile getting bigger. Lila burst out laughing when the bully screamed and ran away. Then Lila picked up her doll and acted like nothing happened.

When we got home I went to Lila’s room. Before I opened it I listened. Lila was talking to someone! “That bully was mean. I didn’t like them.” I heard Lila say. “It’s ok, Lilac. I won’t let ANYONE hurt me or you.” I heard another voice say. “Thanks Everly.” Lila said. I opened the door. “Lila, who were you talking to?” I asked. “Everly! You didn’t want to talk about school and Everly did. Please leave.” Lila said. I left and went to my room. I saw a note on my bed.
Leave Lila Alone
I shivered. That was NOT funny. I grabbed my phone and searched up “haunted Everly doll.” I cliked the LINK
I stopped reading. I now knew why Lila named her doll Everly. The doll did tell her. When I go past Lila’s room and hear two voices it’s Everly. And the note was Everly.