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Whitemoor Newsletter 22.03.24

by Whitemoor Academy

Pages 2 and 3 of 18

Head of School Welcome
It has been a busy two weeks here at Whitemoor. Last Monday, we welcomed visitors from Aspire Academy Trust for whole school monitoring. The main areas of focus of this visit were: to see how are supporting our SEND children, how the EYFS children are progressing and how pupils are progressing in maths. I am pleased to say that the day went really well and the team felt that the children were well supported to achieve their best. Parents can help us with one of the next steps that were brought up during the day - homework. We have noticed a decline in how many children are reading at home, working on their times tables and completing homework. We understand that life can be very busy but please ask that you help us and your children by spending some time on these home learning activities each week. If you need any support with this, please just let us know. 
I hope you all enjoy the long weekend,
Mrs G Hooper
Head of School

Diary Dates

17th: Year 6 reward morning at Brannel
27th: Half Term (School closed)

3rd: INSET DAY (School and Nursery closed)
14th: Tempest Photos - Class photos
18th: Sports Day
2th: KS1 Sleepover
25th: Sports Day Backup
26th: Class 3 residential
27th June: Class 4 Golf event at Brannel

5th: Summer Fair 3pm
12th: Leavers treat. Details to be confirmed
16th : Class 4 Performance
19th: Class 1 Assembly
22nd: Whitemoor's Got Talent
24th: INSET DAY (School and Nursery closed)