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Growth Mindset Journal

by Theryn S.

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Growth mindset journal
I have realized that I only have grit and perseverance in some situations, notably ones containing things important to me. But, as I have gone through PLP, my grit has grown a lot. The times when I show my grit the most are usually in learning something, like a trick on a bike, or a useful skill. For example, once, when I wanted to learn a wheelie, I practiced this every day until I was able to wheelie. In this case, the reason behind was just a drive to get better, but some other strong motivators for me involve people saying I can’t (though this isn’t as strong of a motivator for me as others), and rewards for doing something. To use a growth mindset more, I could put more energy into learning new things, or set large goals that take lots of hard work to achieve.
The reason I have a fixed mindset about being good at art is because I am not very motivated to get better at it. I don’t feel like it is the best way to spend my time over learning other things.
I now think that failure is just part of the road to success, and adding “yet’’ to sentences (figuratively) can help a lot. When I was a kid, and I made a drawing that was pretty bad. In fact, it was just random scribbles on a paper. Yet, when most people saw it, what they said would almost always be along the lines of: “great job” or “you are so talented” etc.. and that makes people think that their intelligence is fixed and can’t be changed, which isn’t true. Times when I get growth mindset feedback is when I build lego. If I ask someone: “does this look good, or is there anything I should change?” They are usually honest and actually tell me what should be changed, which creates a better finished product in the end. My mindset on school has not changed much becuase of this because I already knew about failure and success from elementary school.
To learn, I am willing to lower my grades to further my learning. Some factors that will help me succeed are wanting to learn about what I am interested in, my parents getting mad at me for bad grades, and just basic competitiveness. To keep a growth mindset through hardship, I will just remember this lesson!

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