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Helping dogs.

by Morgan JENKS


Helping dogs.
written and illustrated by: Morgan F J Jenks.
Table of contents
1..................................................................................the similarity's and differences

2................................................................................................Service dogs
3..................................................................Therapy dogs
5.........................................................opinion page
7.........................................................glossary and sources
Chapter 1.
Speech Bubble
Many people think the terms are interchangeable but therapy and service dogs are distinctly different .
Why they are different. They train about different things. service dogs don't give therapy. therapy dogs don't help the blind.
Why they are the same. there both taught to do very important jobs.
therapy dogs give service, therapy dogs give the service of therapy.
Many people have not researched the facts that they are and aren't different.
Chapter 2.
service dogs go beyond being pets and give very valuable services.

These dogs often wear vests.
Service dogs wear vests because it identifies us this is a working dog, and not to pet it.
These dogs don't have to were vests.
Service dogs give people with disabilities service.
These dogs are paired with one person.
They are taught to do very important jobs.
Speech Bubble
Chapter 3.
For some people with disabilities or emotional struggles, dogs can be a therapeutic companion.
Unlike service dogs, therapy dogs are not able to be in public places.
But these dogs can be at schools,nursing homes, hospitals and retirement homes.
Therapy dogs are paired with A lot of people.
The emotional support dog is a mix of service and therapy dog, but mostly therapy dog. These dogs give emotional support to there owners.
emotional support dogs can go in homes that ban pets, and can ride on airplanes.
Speech Bubble
1.Where are the places a therapy dog can go?
  1. hospitals, schools, nursing homes and retirement homes.

2.What is one of the reasons people think therapy dogs and service dogs are the same ?
2.Therapy dogs don't help the blind.
3.Why do service dogs wear vests ?
3.It helps identify to us That this is a working dog and not to pet it.