Book Creator

Thousand and one

by Andrea Farkas

Pages 2 and 3 of 18

Stone salad by the 5th graders of Cserepka School

The Art teacher: Minnics Erika
The English Teacher: Farkas Andrea

an old trick!!!
I need a stone....
Thought Bubble
Once upon a time, there was a fox who was starving and had nothing to eat. He thought… thought and thought until he got an idea.
I have some...
Speech Bubble
-What are you doing? - asked the owl.
-I am making a stone salad. 
-Some mouse meat would make it even better.
I can bring some wood ...
Speech Bubble
-What are you doing? - asked the elephant.                                
-I am making a stone salad. 
-Some wood to make a fire would make my food even better.   

-What are you doing? - asked the bear.
-I am making a stone salad. 
-Some berries would make it even better.  
I have some. Here you are.
Speech Bubble
-What are you doing? - asked the cow.
-I am making a stone salad.
-Some milk would make it even better.
-I can give you some milk -said the cow.
Speech Bubble
I have got some...
Speech Bubble
-What are you doing? - asked the ring-tailed lemur.
-I am making a stone salad. 
-Some grapes would make it even better.  
I have a pear...
Speech Bubble
-What are you doing? - asked the hedgehog.          
-I am making a stone salad.                                              
-A pear would make it even better.                            