Book Creator


by Susana E. del Moral Rosado

Pages 2 and 3 of 12

Erasmus+ Project
Monday 06th June 2021
Italy, Latvia, Romania and Spain
COVID-19: Together in our Diversity
How have your lives changed with the Coronavirus?
Comic Panel 1

IES Padre Feijoo is the coordinator centre of a school partnership with three European schools: Daugavpils (Letvia), Salerno (Italy) and Timisoara (Romania).

The world pandemic has not allowed us the physical meetings we had planned.

However, thanks to technologies, students and teachers will tell us how Covid-19 has changed their lives.

Go on reading!!
Together in our diversity
How have your lives changed with the Coronavirus?
Words by Nuria Menéndez (Spain)
Comic Panel 1
Together in our diversity
Life at the time of Coronavirus at Da Procida,
Salerno (Italy)
Words by Gaiga Mastandrea
Words by Davide Supino
Words by Mariachiara Ansalone
Words by Professor Loredana Scauzillo and Mr. Giovanni Criscuolo
The distance queue

Checking temperature

Sterilizing hands

Getting the mask
Together in our diversity
Covid-19 in Timisoara, Romania: Diary entries
Words by Razvan
Comic Panel 1
Together in our diversity
Words by David Selejan
Together in our diversity
Words by Maria
14th March, 2021

Dear diary,

       During this time, last year, the virus had already reached my country, even my home city. The beginning of the pandemic is very hard for me to recall as anything rather than a simple, uncomfortable blur. The intense panic and confusion were a lot to handle, causing me and most people my age to push this specific memory in a secure, hidden place of the mind.
       What we used to entitle as a “breaking news” page, quickly became a sad, implemented side of our reality. However, I like to think that we are in a much better place than we were a year ago, as not only my country but the whole Europe has shifted in a much more aware, conscious state regarding the collective health and public well-being. What started as mandatory masks, might now end with an optional vaccine. What started as sheer fear, is now ending with sparkling hope. 
"What started as sheer fear, is now ending with sparkling hope." 
"What started as mandatory mask, might now end with an optional vaccine." 
Together in our diversity
Covid-19 in our lives in Gijón, Spain
Videoclip by Ana Dalton
"Together we can"
Words by Olaya Collar
Since Covid-19 hit our country, many things are different. For example, schools, restaurants and other public places had to close. They have to reinvent themselves to survive.
But now we have a new situation, in my case I study some days in my house and others, in the school. Technology has an important role in our academic life. I think that also some teachers have made important decisions, such as in subjects like English, Maths or Chemistry. They are making a good job, and try new ways to teach, like Kahoots, games, video calls…
I think that we need more helps from governments to overcome this unfortunate situation. I hope that this can be over soon.

Together we can, with responsibility and with the help of vaccines!
Together in our diversity
Words by Sofía García
Since the outbreak of covid a year ago, loads of things have changed. At first, it was a joke, no one imagined that the virus could reach Spain, but it did and as soon as it started spreading, we were confined. At the beginning of the lockdown, we thought that we were going to be at home for a fortnight but in the end, it lasted almost two months. Despite this, we had a great summer but with masks and curfew. 
Currently, we are able to hang out with friends, play sports or attend high school, but after all that we’ve been through we are more careful, trying not to be in crowded places or opening the windows during the lessons.
Videoclip by Paula and Alejandro