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Ein Cwricwlwm Enfys / Our Rainbow Curriculum

by Staff Ysgol Gymraeg Ifor Hael

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Ein Cwricwlwm Enfys
Our Rainbow Curriculwm
Gwybodaeth i chi ar beth rydym
am geisio gwneud a sut byddem yn gwneud.
Information for you on what we are
aiming to achieve, and how we
are going to do it.

“There is no health without mental health.” (World Health Organization, 2009)

During these unsettling times, our pupils' emotional and physical health will have been compromised severely. It is therefore crucial that before we begin to drive their academic progress once again, that we attempt to re-balance their emotional well being, address their worries, and to provide them with re-assurance.

With this in mind, as we take our first step towards re-opening, we wanted to outline our guiding principles for how we at Ysgol Gymraeg Ifor Hael will move forward through this transition as smoothly as possible.

We recognise that each child is unique, and that they may have had very different experiences of Home Learning and staying at home, even within the same family. Many children will naturally have mixed feelings and attitudes about coming back to school. We hope this information will give you some understanding of how we will be supporting your children during their 'Check in, Catch up and Prepare for Summer and September' sessions.

Thank you for everything that you are doing to support your child at home. It is appreciated. Take care.

“There is no health without mental health.” (World Health Organization, 2009)
Yn ystod yr amser cythryblus yma, bydd iechyd emosiynol a chorfforol ein disgyblion wedi cael ei gyfaddawdu'n ddifrifol. Mae'n hanfodol felly, cyn i ni ddechrau gyrru eu cynnydd academaidd unwaith eto, ein bod yn ceisio ail-gydbwyso eu lles emosiynol, mynd i'r afael â'u pryderon, a rhoi sicrwydd iddynt.

Gyda hyn mewn golwg, wrth inni gymryd ein cam cyntaf tuag at ailagor, roeddem am amlinellu ein hegwyddorion arweiniol ar gyfer sut y byddwn ni yn Ysgol Gymraeg Ifor Hael yn symud ymlaen trwy'r trawsnewid hwn mor llyfn â phosibl.

Rydym yn cydnabod bod pob plentyn yn unigryw, ac y gallent fod wedi cael profiadau gwahanol iawn o 'Ddysgu yn y Cartref' ac aros gartref, hyd yn oed o fewn yr un teulu. Yn naturiol, bydd gan lawer o blant deimladau ac agweddau cymysg ynglŷn â dod yn ôl i'r ysgol. Gobeithiwn y bydd y wybodaeth hon yn rhoi rhywfaint o ddealltwriaeth i chi o sut y byddwn yn cefnogi'ch plant yn ystod eu sesiynau 'Gwirio i Mewn, Dal i fyny a Pharatoi ar gyfer yr Haf a Medi'.

Diolch i chi am bopeth rydych chi'n ei wneud i gefnogi'ch plentyn gartref. Gwerthfawrogir. Cymerwch ofal.

Ail adeiladu perthnasoedd
ac ymddiriedaeth /
Rebuild relationships
and trust
Wellbeing at the heart/
Lles yn ganolbwynt
Awyrgylch Cefnogol/
Supportive Atmosphere
Dathliad atgofion hapus o'r ysgol/
A celebration of happy times at school
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Datblygu Gwydnwch/
Developing Resilience
Our vision
Cydnabod yr hyn
sydd wedi digwydd /
Recognition of what's
Rebuilding Welsh language
and heritage / Ail adeiladu'r iaith
Gymraeg a chymreictod.


*All together
Building hope for the future /
Adeiladu gobeithion
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Beth yw SWAN?
What is SWAN?

We want your child to feel safe, calm and re-assured, and to know that it will be okay to come back to school. So we have already worked on creating an environment that is and feels physically and emotionally safe. We will build up predictability and consistency around hygiene and other safety rules which school staff will role-model noticeably, and praise your child for following accordingly. We will support any child through any misunderstandings and refer to the benefits of what we are doing.

When the children return, we want them to feel excited and happy coming into school and we want them to know that we are genuinely delighted to have them back and to be able to see them again. We have sincerely missed them. They will need to know that they belong, and feel a part of things and we will do everything we can to enable this. Our Values of Respect, Wellbeing, happiness and 'Welshness' will be ever-present and more needed now than ever.

All Togetherness

So, how can we create these warm, welcoming feelings of care and nurture when we can’t touch and need to keep a safe distance? We need to create a truly inclusive environment in which the children feel surrounded by support, and know that they can rely on all the adults around them and that we are all reinforcing the same messages and sense of togetherness.


Recent research highlights the importance of allowing the children time and space to play and to re-connect socially with their peers. A key point is to play the long game here, and not rush ahead with trying to make up for lost time or to add intense academic pressure and stress to the children, some of whom are already in a high alert state.

We will focus primarily on settling your children in, on meeting their social and emotional needs first and foremost, and on their readiness to learn skills. The general expert consensus is that we should be laying the foundations for them in terms of nurture first and foremost, not solely teaching them in the plain, traditional sense.

This Covid generation of children are going to be unique, and we want to enable them to flourish which will not be an overnight job. We aim to repair the significant rupture that this virus has caused and to prepare our children to be strong adults in the future as well as happy and resilient children in their present.
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Beth yw SWAN?
What is SWAN?
Yn Ddiogel

Rydyn ni am i'ch plentyn deimlo'n ddiogel, yn ddigynnwrf a thawel ei feddwl, a gwybod y bydd hi'n iawn dod yn ôl i'r ysgol. Felly rydym eisoes wedi gweithio ar greu amgylchedd sydd, ac sy'n teimlo'n ddiogel yn gorfforol ac yn emosiynol. Byddwn yn adeiladu rhagweladwyedd a chysondeb o ran rheolau hylendid a diogelwch a bydd staff yn modelu ac yn canmol eich plentyn am eu dilyn. Byddwn yn cefnogi unrhyw blentyn trwy unrhyw gamddealltwriaeth ac yn cyfeirio at fuddion yr hyn yr ydym yn ei wneud.
Yn Groesawgar

Pan fydd y plant yn dychwelyd, rydyn ni am iddyn nhw deimlo'n gyffrous ac yn hapus yn dod i'r ysgol ac rydyn ni am iddyn nhw wybod ein bod ni'n wirioneddol falch o'u cael yn ôl ac i allu eu gweld eto. Rydym wedi eu colli cymaint. Bydd angen iddynt wybod eu bod yn perthyn, ac yn teimlo'n rhan o bethau a byddwn yn gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i alluogi hyn. Bydd ein Gwerthoedd Parch, Lles, Hapusrwydd a Chymreictod yn fyth-bresennol ac mae eu hangen yn fwy nawr nag erioed.
Pawb Gyda'n Gilydd

Felly, sut allwn ni greu'r teimladau cynnes a chroesawgar hyn pan na allwn gyffwrdd ac angen cadw pellter diogel? Mae angen i ni greu amgylchedd gwirioneddol gynhwysol lle mae'r plant yn teimlo eu bod wedi'u cefnogi, ac yn gwybod y gallant ddibynnu ar yr holl oedolion o'u cwmpas a'n bod i gyd yn atgyfnerthu'r un negeseuon a'r ymdeimlad o gyd-berthyn.

Rhoi Magwraeth

Mae ymchwil diweddar yn tynnu sylw at bwysigrwydd caniatáu amser a lle i'r plant chwarae ac ail-gysylltu'n gymdeithasol â'u cyfoedion. Pwynt allweddol yw peidio â rhuthro ymlaen i geisio gwneud lan am amser coll neu ychwanegu pwysau academaidd dwys a straen i'r plant. Mae rhai ohonynt eisoes mewn cyflwr effro uchel.

Byddwn yn canolbwyntio'n bennaf ar setlo'ch plant i mewn, ar ddiwallu eu hanghenion cymdeithasol ac emosiynol, ac ar eu parodrwydd i ddysgu sgiliau. Y consensws arbenigol cyffredinol yw y dylem fod yn gosod y seiliau ar eu cyfer nid eu haddysgu yn yr ystyr plaen, draddodiadol yn unig.

Mae'r genhedlaeth hon o blant Covid yn mynd i fod yn unigryw, ac rydyn ni am eu galluogi i ffynnu. Ond ni fydd yn swydd dros nos. Ein nod yw atgyweirio'r rhwyg sylweddol y mae'r firws hwn wedi'i achosi a pharatoi ein plant i fod yn oedolion cryf yn y dyfodol yn ogystal â phlant hapus a gwydn yn eu presennol.
