Book Creator

Untold Stories: Forgotten Voices in History

by Ravenclaw Homeroom Studnets

Pages 6 and 7 of 61

Story by Emerson Navas
Nils Bohlin
Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved to tinker and invent things. 

His name was Nils Bohlin. He was born on July 17, 1920, in Härnösand, Sweden. He grew up, went to school, and graduated from high school. He still wanted to invent things, so he went to college to graduate as an engineer. 

After he graduated from college he started to work for Volvo as a safety engineer.

When someone that worked at Volvo had a car crash, he got hurt by an old seat belt, Nils was told to create a better design for seat belts, and after 1 year he came up with the design that after was created and patented as the Three-point seat belt.

Nils Bohlin should be remembered for saving millions of lives with his invention, the Three-point seatbelt.