Book Creator

Template: Scaling Project

by Chantal Hummel

Pages 2 and 3 of 11

Geometry: Scaling Project with Book Creator 

For this project you will be making a scaled version an item of your choice. You must choose a scaling factor greater than 2 for this assignment. Be careful when choosing your item, don't choose anything that may be too complicated to measure and scale. Your item must be 3D, meaning it can not be a flat. 

You will be recording your process through the Book Creator app, so make sure to follow along with the template below. Each page has the instructions for what information you must add and what you need to be doing. Once your project is complete you may go in and customize all the pages, but make sure you don't forget to add all the required information.

Once you have completed your Scaled object, it’s time to be creative! Make a mini comic using your original object and your scaled object! It had to be at least 2 pages, but after that you can make it as long as you want! Just add it as the last few pages of your book in Book Creator. 

Go to the library and make a copy of the Template book. Rename the copy with your name. 

Comic Panel 1
Step 1: Choose an object in your house that you want to scale. Make sure you choose something that is 3D, so it is not flat like a piece of paper.
Comic Panel 2
Insert a picture of your item here by clicking on the box and selecting the image option.