Book Creator

Growth Mindset Book

by Ines M.

Pages 2 and 3 of 13

- My lovely growth Mindset Book (w/ photos) -
Ines M.
I usually show grit the most during sports and different activity’s. I mainly used grit in sports like swimming and volleyball.
I could probably use grit more when I’m doing homework or activities then I’m not as interested in. For example school sports, projects, school clubs.
My biggest form of fixed mindset is seen in DI I feel like I judged it HARD going into the project which led me to not enjoy it because I had already set my mindset on the project. I have noticed that there are some high points in DI like actually working on our model. DI has also let me get closer with some of my classmates which I enjoy.
Iv’e learned that intelligence isn’t just being smart in general it can mean that you are knowledgeable about cats or dogs. Ive also learned you aren’t born knowledgeable about everything it means that you can have growing knowledge about different things and that intelligence is something you gain and fuel on a daily basis.