Book Creator

Jane Goodall


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Jane goodall first began studying the chimpanzee called the kelaKasa chimpanzee and there community in Gombe national park thats in tanzania the year 1960.During janes time in the wilderness Instead of her counting the chimpanzees she observed.She gave them names like Fifi and David Greybeard. She observed that chimpanzees have unique and different personality's. She found out that human beings arent the only ones who have personality who are capable of rational thought emotions like joy and sadness
in 1960 Goodall set up camp on the shores of Tanzania’s lake tanganyika. She studied chimpanzees close up in there habitat. It took months for jane to gain the chimps trust but her patience paid off.
Through her observations jane changed many thoughts about chimpanzees. She saw chimpanzees make tools to use to get food. Scientists believed only humans were able to make tools. She also found that chimpanzees eat both meat and plants. Finally Goodall discovered that each chimpanzee had a distinct personality and emotions.