Book Creator


by Rhadan M

Pages 2 and 3 of 11

“Moi” is a display of my name in art form and as we were given freedom in this project we had lots to work with. My favourite colour is red so I wanted to correlate with some of my personality and I just had fun with it so I believe it turned out well.
Too cool for school (not really pls don’t give bad grade)
“Too cool for school” in class we had a project to make our favourite emoji. I picked the sunglasses emoji because it gives me a sense of being chill and I like that. The skills we learned was that the smudging tool could be used to blend colours and textures.
Beep boop
“Beep Boop”
Beep Boop is a robot who is fun but kind. This is displayed by the heart and the wacky shapes and colours! The skill I learned was that you can use shapes and outlines to show personality in art.