Book Creator

Remote Learning at CES

by Sally Kent

Pages 4 and 5 of 9

Guidelines for Parents
1. Please use our suggested timetable as a guide only. This must work around your families commitments.

2. Do establish routines and expectations for your family.

3. Define a space in the house where your child can do their learning.

4. Check email communications daily and follow our school facebook page.

5. Check in with your child at the beginning and end of each day - what are their plans for the day? Is there anything they struggled with today? What went well?

6. Establish times for quiet reflection.

7. Encourage physical activity.

8. Remain mindful of your child's stress or worry.

9. Monitor how much time is spent online.

10. Communicate with your class teacher via email.

11. Don't be afraid to ask for help if needed.
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