Book Creator

CES Curriculum

by Sally Kent

Pages 4 and 5 of 45

Comic Panel 1
Nurturing Minds, Building Character and Creating Communities.
Our Place
The Christchurch East School Curriculum is grounded in our local place - our tūrangawaewae in the heart of the city. Our geographical location in the centre of the city is our context for learning.

In adopting a place-based approach to our curriculum, we use our local community and environment in the heart of Christchurch City as the context for teaching the NZC (New Zealand Curriculum) Learning areas of language, arts, maths, social sciences, etc. The city provides the rich social, environmental, economic, political, infrastructural, spiritual, and historical contexts for engaging and motivating student learning. This includes local Māori knowledge, histories, skills, techniques, and tikanga (values and customs).
Comic Panel 2
Comic Panel 1
Our Purpose
Nurturing Minds
Comic Panel 2
At Christchurch East School, we are committed to meeting a learner's individual needs. A structured and targeted approach to teaching literacy and mathematics ensures that our learners can identify and work towards their own learning needs, strengths and next steps. Students are exposed to a wide range of learning experiences in order to develop critical and creative thinking, communication and collaborative skills, to build a sense of purpose and both the desire and skills to actively and positively engage in the community.
Building Character
Comic Panel 3
At Christchurch East School, building character is part of our culture and the conversations between staff and students. Our school values and learner qualities are used to support students to:

- approach learning and interactions with curiosity and an open mind
- build self knowledge
- develop empathy for others
- take ownership of their learning and behaviour
- understand and utilise a range of strategies to promote their own and others' wellbeing
Creating Communities
Comic Panel 4
At Christchurch East School, we continually strive for a caring and inclusive environment. Our diverse community allows for deep questioning, reflecting and understanding of our wider world. An integral part of our curriculum is looking at how our students can work together, form friendships and make positive change.