Book Creator

Everything Will Be Alright

by Casandra Comşa

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Everything Will Be Alright!
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When I started talking about FRIENDSHIP with the children, one of the first things that came to our mind was the unusual period we have all been going through for the last year because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Why? Because we realised that it had affected our relationships, our interaction with each other, and our outlook on the world in general.
One of the most difficult things we've had to go through during this time were the lockdown periods, when we were physically cut out from the world. It was difficult not to meet our friends face to face, not to do things together and so on and so forth. 
But, on the other hand, we understood that lockdown also had its positive impact on our lives. We were able to spend more quality time with our family, to focus on our hobbies and, more importantly, it was a unique occasion to give NATURE a break, to let it breathe again freely – it was a long overdue time of revival for our PLANET. 
Therefore, we understood that one of our most important friends, that we literally couldn’t live without, is NATURE. So, we decided to celebrate our friendship with EARTH, by sending a message of HOPE and RESPONSIBILITY – an idea that, oddly enough, was actually prompted by one of the most challenging world events we have experienced so far in our lives. 
In conclusion, our ultimate message to all of you is the following:
Take care of NATURE if you want NATURE to take care of you! 
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Keep the EARTH safe if YOU want to be safe!
NATURE is our best FRIEND. Treasure this wonderful, precious FRIENDSHIP!
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Our Messages
- from CE2 students -
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