Book Creator

How has the Geography of the West shaped who we are?

by Trip Learners


Trip Learners
This will be your cover. It should include a graphic(s), your name, and a title relating to the Answering to the Driving Question
The next pages will be dedicated to my explanations of the five themes of geography, and how I have applied them in this book.
Location refers to where something is in comparison to something else, whether that’s the exact coordinates, or a description. Location is something that we often apply in our daily lives, and without it, our society couldn’t function the way it does.
Place is what makes things unique. Different places have alternate appearances, people, cultures, and traditions. It’s an essential part of geography because without it, we wouldn’t have the diversity that we have throughout the world.
Human environment interaction is what has made the world what it is today. We’ve completely altered geography in any place that we’ve built settlements, and the most notable example in the Rockies is the Canadian Pacific Railway, which allowed us to move goods and people across Canada.
Movement refers to the movement of resources, people, and ideologies, and has had a huge impact on the world today. A great example of this is the CPR, which did all of those things, and helped to unite Canada together.
Regions refer to the many sections of land, or “regions” as we call them, that surround the globe. They can be physical borders, or social constructs. When the last spike was driven min Craigaliche, it united many regions across Canada.
The Last Spike

This photo represents the theme of region. Cragailache is significant to the history of the west because of how it united many regions together when the last spike was driven in the Canadian Pacific Railroad, which to this day is still used to transport goods, and people, through the Canadian Rockies.