Book Creator

Santa's Stuck

by Lola litton

Pages 2 and 3 of 10

It was Christmas Eve. Jack and Amy were tucked up in bed dreaming of what they were going to see in the morning.
Suddenly, they woke up to someone shouting, "Help, Help, Help!"
"What was that?", said Amy.
"Let's go to the sitting room to see!" replied Jack.
As they went downstairs, they saw two big black boots sticking out of the chimney.
"Do you know who might be in the chimney?" asked Amy.
"No," said Jack, "wait a second!"
Jack and Amy saw that it Santa was stuck. "Help, please!," shouted Santa.
"Don't worry, we can help you," they both replied.
So after a while lots of people started gathering to see what was going on.
"1,2,3 push and pull!" shouted Jack and Amy.
"POP" Santa was free!!!!