Book Creator

Santa Saves the Day

by Keeva Byrne

Pages 2 and 3 of 7

By Keeva
Once upon a time there was a snowman. One morning he was out for a walk when he saw that his house was melting. He called Santa to see if he could help.
When Santa arrived, he asked what was the problem. The snowman said, "My house is melting and I need you to try and fix it. Santa can you fix my house with your magic dust?"
While Santa was getting his magic dust, the snowman was worried about his house.
After Santa got his magic dust, Santa asked, "How did your house melt?"
The snowman replied, "I was on a walk and when I came back it was melting."
Sands had his magic dust and he sprinkled it on the snowman house and the lived happily ever after
Santa had saved the day.