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A Christmas Miracle

by Aaron Kelly

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

Once apon a time there was family and that family was a family of eleven kids and two adults. That family lived beside an old man that did not like Christmas but the Byrne family loved Christmas. He was a grumpy man. Whenever things went into his yard he would take them. One time a little boys sleigh went into his yard and the little boy Jake did not want it to be taken so he went into the yard to get it.
By Aaron Kelly
But it was too late as the old man had taken it. Jake followed the old man as he was walking around and he spotted something strange. It was a picture of a large family, just like his. The old man caught him walking around the house. The old man gave out to him. Jake asked him about the picture but the old man did not say a word. The old man finally said that he had a family over in Florida.
He said that he did not hate Christmas but when he saw people celebrating Christmas, he missed his family in Florida. He let Jake go home. When Jake got home he told his family all about it.

The next day the old man heard a knock on the door so he went to see who it was. When he opened the door, he saw a small box by his doorstep. He opened it and it was a ticket for a plane to go to Florida to see his family.
The next day the Byrne family heard a knock on the door. Jake opened the door and saw a big box. He called his family down and they all opened it together. They were shocked when they saw that the things the old man took were in the box.
The old man was on his way to see his family.
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