Book Creator

2022 RBB News 4

by NokoLorde


Thursday, April 7th, 2022
Falcon News Herald
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This week the third grade class became entrepreneurs. They opened their own shops, and even sold products. However the three third graders that sell the most products win gift cards.
Marvelous Market Day
Third Graders Become Entrepreneurs
Comic Panel 1
Words by Perry Smith and Sophia Nguyen
Market day was a success! Market Day was held on Friday, April 1, 2022. It was a day that the third grade class sold their goods to the rest of the RBB staff and students to learn about buying and selling. Many of the art works, treats, creations and goods were very extravagant and popular. The third graders did a great job with their work. They tried their best and they were very successful. The Bank & Trust joined in by donating money for the top three businesses of the day! The merchants who received the most money from sales won gift cards. First place received $100, second place won $75, and third place won a whopping $50. The third graders and their teacher deserve a "job well done" for their ideas. Thank you to Mrs. Nguyen for giving them confidence and strength to help them be successful. Market Day was a day to remember! A big thanks also goes out to the amazing Bank & Trust for the wonderful donations and supporting the local youth! It was a great way to support entrepreneur dreams!
Words by Pita Wold-Edwards and Teaghan Burton.

Last week, RBB students were having an amazing time at the third grade market. Every student in the class worked very hard! In the morning, the third graders started to set up their shops, minutes flew by, and customers were arriving. At first, customers were hesitant as they window shopped, but as they actually got a look at the colors, they were exhilarated! They were running around left and right trying to find a special item. There were fidgets, books, book marks, cupcakes, and even bingo. Each student was given 5 dollars in play money to spend at the market. They had to choose very wisely on what they wanted to spend their money on. Each student left market day with a smile on their face. After the markets closed down for the day, it was time to pay taxes and repair fees. After entrepreneurs figured out their profit, the three third graders with the highest profit won gift cards. The Bank & Trust is a local community bank that donated money to support our school's entrepreneurs. They were excited to see how the day turned out!