Book Creator


by Inioluwa Edun

Pages 2 and 3 of 233

To my 7th period Classmates, I loved the memories I made with you. You always know how to relieve my stress, make my day better. Thank you for being my 7th period<3

To Mia, and Ashmitha, My dearest school mom and my dearest friend. Although Mia, you asked A LOT of questions, and constantly was overthinking.. You’re the best ever friend. You taught me, made me practice, asked when I wasn’t okay. You’re an amazing friend. Ashmitha, you’re like a school mom to me. You always knew how to make me laugh, and you were my partner and best friend, and mom in the tech team, and on our field trips. Thank you two for being an awesome friend and mom.
To Kimberly, Thank you for being my best friend even if I acted like I didn’t care, you are an awesome best friend yet weird at the very same time, but thanks for being my best friend. I’m going to eat your bear missy.

To Angela, Thank you for all the food you supplied me with :,), especially when I was hungry. You’re a great friend, and I love your supplies. Adorable, where’d you even get them from? Best friend ever!
To my 7th period Classmates, I loved the memories I made with you. You always know how to relieve my stress, make my day better. Thank you for being my 7th period<3

To Mia, and Ashmitha, My dearest school mom and my dearest friend. Although Mia, you asked A LOT of questions, and constantly was overthinking.. You’re the best ever friend. You taught me, made me practice, asked when I wasn’t okay. You’re an amazing friend. Ashmitha, you’re like a school mom to me. You always knew how to make me laugh, and you were my partner and best friend, and mom in the tech team, and on our field trips. Thank you two for being an awesome friend and mom.
To Kimberly, Thank you for being my best friend even if I acted like I didn’t care, you are an awesome best friend yet weird at the very same time, but thanks for being my best friend. I’m going to eat your bear missy.

To Angela, Thank you for all the food you supplied me with :,), especially when I was hungry. You’re a great friend, and I love your supplies. Adorable, where’d you even get them from? Best friend ever!