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santa claus the careless and the witch his friend

by Seconda d

Pages 2 and 3 of 4

Santa Claus the careless and the witch his friend
Last Christmas between the night of 24th and 25th December the children were expecting Santa Claus and their presents. In the meantime in the city of Santa Claus there was chaos because Santa Claus's sleigh broke.
Santa Claus decided to call the witch but she was on vacation and she was angry. The witch decided to help Santa Claus not to lose the Christmas magic.
Santa Claus left with the witch on the magic broom but they lost some presents so they turned back to retrieve them. At the end they saved Christmas and saw happy children.
The End
by: Lucia Sundance Giordano, Carolina Palumbo, Anna e Nunzia De Maio e Acanfora Clarissa Aurora

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