Book Creator


by Iván Gómez García

Pages 3 and 4 of 4

Team Sports
Iván Gómez
Comic Panel 1
Basic Rules
¡Anybody stop me!
Speech Bubble
A player can run with the ball for three steps maximum.
The ball is mine
Speech Bubble
Players cannot make contact with the ball below the knee.

3 second rule.
A player can hold a ball for up to three seconds maximum.
Rules are so important
Thought Bubble
We only have 3 second!
Speech Bubble
Comic Panel 1
The Field/Pitch
A competitive handball match is played on a large rectangular court that is 40 m long by 20 m wide, with a goal in the centre of each end. A competitive handball court is much bigger than a competitive basketball court – the outer boundaries, called sidelines or touch lines, are longer and the goal lines or end lines are shorter.
Comic Panel 1
The Game
Handball brings together a combination of football, basketball and netball. The game is contested by two teams of seven players and involves one team invading another team's territory with the aim of throwing a ball into their opponent's goal. The game is very fast, skilful and competitive and requires a range of physical attributes in defence and attack. Handball is very exciting for spectators and a typical game can generate scores of up to 35 goals each.
A competitive handball team consists of seven players per side, with all players (with the exception of the goalkeeper) being interchangeable during the game. Like most team sports, the team has very clear roles to support their overall success.
Comic Panel 1
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Comic Panel 1

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