Book Creator

The Three Little Goats

by Rylan


The Three little Goats
By: Rylan
little goat


biggest goat
big goat

the big

Once upon a time there lived three goats that were going home. Then a giant t-rex came and saw them and they hid in a bush.
were are they
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Then, the little goat got out of the bush. Next, the little goat said...
don't eat me i am too small to be eaten
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Finally, the big t-rex let the little goat go home safe.
Later, the big goat came out of the bush and said...
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Don't eat, me don't eat me, i am too small to be eaten.
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The big t-rex let the big goat go home.
After that, the biggest goat came.
Then the t-rex laughed.
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Ha Ha Ha Ha ha ha!
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The biggest goat charged at the T-Rex. Then, The T-Rex ran away and the biggest goat said...
This is what you get for laughing at me!
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