Book Creator

[TEMPLATE] Station Rotation Model Workbook

by @TechyBeckyYoung

Pages 4 and 5 of 14

[Type your intention(s) here]
Rounded Rectangle
Untitled Design
Intention Setting
"Intentions are guiding principles that can help us, as individuals, connect our present actions to our personal values. They focus on who we are and who we could be in this moment" (Edutopia, 2019).  Intentions differ from our learning goals as those are very clear targets that we are all working towards.  

Your task: please set your intention for this workshop by writing them below. If you are comfortable, please share your intention with a peer nearby.

Here are several sample intentions if you need ideas:
"I want to be fully engaged today."
"I want to get out of my comfort zone."
"I want to learn from my peers."
"I want to share my ideas."
Your task: Watch up to 2:09 of this video from McGraw Hill with Catlin Tucker explaining the station rotation model.
Untitled Design