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The Deep Blue Sea

by Derek G

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The Deep Blue Sea
By Derek
Coral reef has to have warm water. sunlight and not in deep water.
Did you know coral is a animal? A parot fish can eat limestone and coral and poop it out so it can make sand.
Jellyfish poop and eat out of their mouth. Jelly fish can light up and they sting to catch food.Mouth is in the middle.
There are different kinds of coral. There are hard corals and soft corals. Corals live a very long time for a thousand years. Coral need sunlight that's why they live not that far deep in the ocean. Coral don't move they are stuck to a rock or stuck to the sand
Sea turtles are reptiles that live in the ocean. They lay 50-200 soft shell eggs. They leave their eggs under the sand. Babies often get eaten by predators. Sea turtles have sharp beaks, rough skin, hard shells, and flippers. They use their back flippers to steer. They hatch usually at night and make their way to the ocean.
Seahorses have a back bone but no ribs. Instead of ribs, they have rings. They eat tiny floating animals. Their tails are curled that they use to hold on to coral and plants. They have fins and gills to breathe. Seahorses stay in a 3 ft area. Males have a pouch to hold eggs.
This is a leafy sea dragon, which is related to a seahorse.
Sea stars are 1 cm to 3 feet in size. They push their stomach out to eat. Their larvae looks like a jellyfish. The arms are called rays, and they usually come in fives. Sea stars have tube feet that are pumped and moved by water.
Sharks were here before dinosaurs. They live in every ocean in the world. They have five rows of teeth. A shark is a fish but not like other fish. They don't have bones. Shark babies are called pups. Some pups grow inside their mother. Other pups hatch.
Octopuses spit ink so they can escape from predators. Octopuses can camouflage. They can camouflage in to a rock and into coral.