Book Creator

EYFS Expressive Arts and Design

by Clare Walsh

Pages 4 and 5 of 11

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The development of children’s artistic and cultural awareness supports imagination and creativity. It is important that children have regular opportunities to engage with the arts, enabling them to explore and play with a wide range of media materials, the quality and variety of what children see here and participate is it in is crucial for developing the understanding, self expression, vocabulary, and ability to communicate through the arms . Repetition and deepen of their experiences are fundamental to their progress, interpretation, interpreting and appreciating what they hear respond to and observe give children an insight into new musical world, inviting musicians to play music to children and talk about it, attentively to music, discuss changes and patterns as a piece of music develop.
Area of Learning - Expressive Arts and Design
How you can help as parents
Our curriculum goal
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To become a proud performer who can perform a song, poem or dance to an audience, retell stories with expression and confidence, play a range of percussion instruments correctly and with good rhythm.
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To become a creative creator who can choose and safely use the resources they need to make their creations/designs, talk about what they have made and how they have made it.
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  • Always be prepared!
Nurture your little one’s creativity by always having crafting materials or activities around, such as playdoh, paper, glue, clay, cardboard, instruments, a camera etc.
  • Get outdoors
Give your little one plenty of opportunities to be creative outdoors. Natural resources like leaves and twigs are ideal for creative play, whether that’s for making sounds, creating art, or using these in roleplay – the possibilities are endless.
  • Encourage mess
Getting messy creates long-lasting memories! It’s also a big part of the creative process so try not to worry about it, create areas in the home (or outside) specifically for messy creative play.
  • Allow time
Give your little one plenty of time and don’t rush them, creative ideas take time to develop. If they are immersed in a creative activity be sure to give them the time and space to see where it flows next.
  • Music
Play music every day. Hearing, making music and singing can have a huge impact on your child’s language and physical skills. Music has also been proven to have a positive effect on mental health – so it’s great all around!
  • Chat about it
Lastly, but possibly most importantly, chat with your little one and listen to what they say. Shared conversations are great opportunities for bonding and can be especially meaningful when they’re telling you about their ideas and interests.

nursery - Expressive Arts and Design
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Creating with Materials

  • I can make marks intentionally in sand and using paint, chalk etc. 
  • I can name and recognise the colours, red, blue, green, yellow, orange and purple.
  • I can draw on a large scale, a simple face to represent myself and a spider
  • I can print with objects, for example, vegetables, leaves, blocks 

Being Imaginative and Expressive
  • I can join in with songs we use every day in the Nursery: daily routine songs, for example, days of the week, good morning song, goodbye song etc .
  • I can join in with Spider themed Nursery rhymes.
  • I can use my voice to make different sounds.
  • I am starting to develop my pretend play, pretending that different items represent different things. 
  • I can pretend play with a baby. 
  • I can show attention to sounds and music.
  • I can think about how a Spider moves and dance like a spider.


Autumn 1
Autumn 2
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Creating with Materials 
  • I can express ideas and feelings through making marks and sometimes given meaning to the marks.
  • I can manipulate and play with different materials making simple models.
  • I can listen to music and use a pen to make marks representing the sounds that I hear. 
  • I can scrunch and roll paper. 
  • I can draw horizontal and vertical lines, squiggles and circles. 
  • I can use pencils and paint to draw closed shapes with continuous lines freely.
  • I can manipulate clay – squeezing, pinching, making a small pot.

Being Imaginative and Expressive
  • I can explore a range of sounds makers and instruments.
  • I can sing songs and rhymes that we have been learning.
  • I can move and dance to music.

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