Book Creator

Earth day 2023

by Ana Alexandre

Pages 2 and 3 of 19

Earth Day 2023
Short description:
The celebration of "Earth Day" is an opportunity to stop and reflect on the importance that planet Earth has for each one of us. Thus, starting from the results of their ecological footprint, students will reflect and express their appreciation of the various subsystems that make up planet Earth.

Main Goal:
• Alert to the importance and need to preserve the planet's resources.
• Promote environmental education through educational activities to encourage awareness of the importance of environmental conservation.
• Recognize the role of oceans and marine biodiversity.
• Recognize the role of forests and biodiversity on the planet.
• Recognize the role of the atmosphere and air quality for living beings.
• Recognize the role of soil and subsoil for living beings.
• Create messages that demonstrate the importance that each of the terrestrial subsystems has for each student.

Work process

April 17th
• placement, in a common area, of tree branches (without leaves);
• photocopy and cut out the various “tree leaves”.
April 17th to 21st
• construction of the ecological footprint of the class: use (select language). Each student responds to the survey, and, at the end, they indicate their result to the teacher. After recording the results, the teacher will calculate the class/school average and enter the result in the TwinSpace of the project.
• awareness of the importance of conserving the environment.
• reflection on how each terrestrial subsystem is important for each student.
• elaboration of a short sentence, per student, where the importance that one of the terrestrial subsystems has for him is evident.
• distribution of a “tree leaf” on paper for each student where he will write his sentence; it is suggested, whenever possible, that the outer margin of the sheet can be painted depending on the subsystem that the student highlighted using the following color code: green (forests), blue (oceans, seas, rivers), brown (soil, underground), light blue (atmosphere).
• the class group with the respective teacher placed the leaves on the tree.
• Photograph the “before” and “after” of placing the sheets with the students' messages. Place the final photo in the project TwinSpace.

Expected results
The final product will be shared in a public twinspace as well as the results of the various ecological footprints of each country involved.
The construction of messages will be an opportunity for individual reflection on the importance that the planet has for you.
A final presentation will be made with all the data collected and trees with messages built by all the students, which will be shown on the screens of the schools involved.