Book Creator

The Roomful of Poetry Anthology

by Willow Class SWW

Pages 4 and 5 of 34

The Room of...

The Room of Depression
I cooled down the fire with my own tears, I drowned the wood but I had a spark of hope.

The Room of Memories
I saw the past of my life when the worst and the best happened at the same time.

The Room of Death
I witnessed a million deaths in seconds as I fell to a pit of magma whilst my soul was torn from my body.

The Room of Greed
I watched men sneak stolen goods as greedily as possible oblivious of me telling them to stop. 

The Room of Slumber
I slept on beds made of the best cotton duvets and pillows as midnight was enteral in this room and day would never come to me.

The Room of Discovery
In the room, I found all of histories' secrets behind it back when they hid from my brain.

by Archie
In the room of disappearance,
people wonder where I have gone.

In the room of joy,
only smiles shine,
bright like the sun.

In the room of worry,
I hoped that no-one would notice I had snuck
food from the pantry. 

In the room of anger, 
All of my rage disappeared.

In the room of love,
I found heartache and despair.

In the room of death,
My soul drifted away.