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The second industrial revolution

by Eileen Parra


Newspaper the world
Thursday 21 April 1970
The impact of the second industrial revolution in the Americas and its main inventions
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The second industrial revolution has led to many changes throughout the world. This revolution has arisen in England since that country presented the economic, political, social and technological conditions. It has been characterized by the use and creation of new technologies, the use of energy, which are being exported to all countries. One of the places where it has had an impact has been in the Americas because it has become the continent with the largest number of countries exporting raw materials and it is estimated that after a while it will be able to industrialize and each country will develop products and industrial processes for a better possibility of opportunities.
From the bourgeois impulse, an unprecedented commercial growth was generated.
Characteristics of this revolution
Total production rose to the rate of 250 units of raw material. Also, through industrialization, world trade increased. As in the social aspect, the mortality rate decreased due to lack of resources, but most of the populations have employment, since the constant exports to other developed countries require the work of a large amount of labor.
Newspaper the world
Advances in technology and its inventions
With new energy sources the main What is oil now that it has replaced coal, China has allowed the drilling of wells whose technique spread throughout the world, one of the derived fuels was kerosene, which is used for lighting and costs less than oils.

On the other hand, new forms of telecommunication have been invented, such as the telegraph, which was built by Samuel Morse, which allows instant communication, a language of points and lines, another is also the telephone, created by Antonio Meucci, which is designed to transmit conversations. By means of electrical signals and the cinema by the Lumiere brothers, who created the first cinematographic that transmits images without sound.

Transport development
The development of transport is characterized by the electric railway. In England, it has specialized in the construction of railways exporting to the whole world, the increase in production led to the search for new fuels such as oil and electric power, which allowed the creation of new types of transport with faster engines together with the railway. That are allowing trade to expand
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Final conclusion of the second industrial revolution
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In short, this second Industrial Revolution has given rise to many inventions and the discovery of new energies. Doing what more countries export and buy for trade, they are beginning to use new sources of energy from electricity, gas and oil derivatives.
The second industrial revolution has also impacted America, as well as other countries such as the United States, Japan, France, Holland, among others. Giving more job opportunities to the population of each country.

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