Book Creator

Η περιπέτεια ενός χελιδονιού

by Fotini Chatzipanagiotou

Pages 2 and 3 of 14

Comic Panel 1
4ο Νηπιαγωγείο Ραφήνας, Αττική
Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό, μια Χελιδόνα πέταγε στον ουρανό. Έψαχνε να βρει σποράκια για τα τρία μωρά της. Βρήκε δύο σποράκια κάτω από ένα δέντρο. Μα ξαφνικά έπιασε μια δυνατή βροχή και τα σποράκια χάθηκαν στη λάσπη

Once upon a time, mother Swallow was flying in the sky. She was looking to find seeds for her three babies. She found two seeds under a tree. But suddenly a heavy rain fell and the seeds were lost in the mud

Bir zamanlar gökyüzünde bir Kırlangıç uçtu. Üç bebeği için tohum arıyordu. Bir ağacın altında iki tohum buldu. Ama aniden şiddetli bir yağmur yağdı ve tohumlar çamurda kayboldu ...

(4th kindergarten of Rafina, Attica)
Konya Ereğli Musa Karabaş Anaokulu
Η Χελιδόνα ένιωσε απελπισμένη. Σκέφτηκε τα μωρά της. Δεν ήθελε να επιστρέψει στο σπίτι προτού βρει σπόρους γι’ αυτά. Έπρεπε να βρει έναν τρόπο να βγάλει τους σπόρους από τη λάσπη .

Mother Swallow felt desperate. She thought of her babies. She did not want to return home until she found seeds for them. She had to find a way to get the seeds out of the mud

Kırlangıç bir anda umutsuzluğa kapıldı. Yavru bebeklerini düşündü. Onlara tohum bulmadan eve dönmek istemiyordu. Çamurdan tohumları çıkarmanın bir yolunu bulmalıydı...

(Konya Ereğli Musa Karabaş Anaokulu)
1ο Νηπιαγωγείο Πανοράματος, Θεσσαλονίκη
Την ίδια ώρα τα μωρά χελιδόνια περίμεναν τη μαμά Xελιδόνα να γυρίσει πίσω στη φωλιά τους. Λόγω της δυνατής βροχής ένιωθαν αγωνία, αλλά παρέμειναν δυνατά πιστεύοντας με σιγουριά, ότι σύντομα η βροχή θα σταματήσει και η μαμά τους θα γυρίσει.

At the same time the babies were waiting for their mother to come back at their nest. The heavy rain made them feel anxious, but they stayed strong, feeling sure that soon the rain will stop and their mother will bring them food at the end.
Bebek kırlangıçları annenin yuvalarına dönmesini bekliyorlardı. Şiddetli yağmur nedeniyle endişelendiler ama güven içinde yağmurun yakında duracağına ve annelerinin geri döneceğine inanıyorlardı.

(1st Kindergarten of Panorama, Thessaloniki)
1ο Νηπιαγωγείο Καλλιθέας, Αττική