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The ways of Saint James

by Mars Costa

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The iconic Holy Queen and her preaching to the Compostela
In 1325, Isabel de Aragão, widow of D. Dinis and sixth queen of Portugal,also known as the holy queen,departed on her pilgrination to Santiago de Compostela. The visit to the tomb of the Apostle, recorded in the beautiful illumination of the Genealogy of the Kings of Portugal, was the memory of the magnificence of the gifts offered. From the Sanctuary, D. Isabel brought the pilgrim’s staff, a gift from the Archbishop, with which she wanted to be buried and which will remain as a precious relic, preserved until our days, but also as an iconographic emblem and as a motif of a rich legendary tradition, associated, above all, with places where the Queen lived or has passed. Some legends pointed to places where, according to tradition, he rested during his pilgrimage. Although they cannot be considered historical sources, they do not allow interesting documents for the history of Elizabethan worship and popular traditions in northern Portugal. In Galicia, Santiago de Compostela still preserves the amemory of the Pilgrim Queen, remembered in the toponymy and in a rare 600-year-old image, exhibited in the Museum of Pilgrimages, where it is represented with the hat and scallops characteristic of the pilgrims of Santiago.