Book Creator

The Easter Bunny is Missing

by Ernie

Pages 2 and 3 of 7

Vroom, vroom, vroom! Hobs, Dom, and Brain all raced to Boss Bunny's house to hide the Easter eggs. It was the day before Easter and they gathered to hide Easter eggs. Dom, Hobs, Brain noticed that Boss Bunny was missing because they had wait a long time. After that, Dom, Hobs, and Brain all decided who should go look for Boss Bunny. Hobs said bravely, "I'll look for him because I am the very strong and brave. " Hobs drove off to look for the Easter Bunny.
First, Hobs raced to Brain's Car shop to look for Boss Bunny because Boss Bunny loved to help Brain repair cars. He looked around Brain's Car Shop. Hobs couldn't find Boss Bunny. Hobs looked around again. He saw something white. Hobs was fooled it was white paint for the cars. Hobs wondered where Boss Bunny could be?