Book Creator

Newsletter - 22nd September 2023

by Aspire / Manaccan

Pages 2 and 3 of 11

Diary Dates
Forthcoming dates:

Monday 9th October: Harvest Festival - details to follow

Monday 16th October: KS2 Parents Evening with Mr Martin

Tuesday 17th October: Reception & KS1 Parents Evening with
Miss Pearce
KS2 Parents Evening with Mr Martin

Thursday 19th October: Reception and KS1 Parents Evening with
Mrs Ashe

Friday 20th October: INSET day
Head of School Welcome
Welcome back to our pupils and a big 'hello' to the new families joining us. Firstly, thank you to our parents & carers for ensuring that your child is prepared for the start of school. The children are a credit to you, looking smart and school ready.

We have lots to look forward to this academic year. We will endeavour to keep you posted as regularly as we can.
We hope you found the class meetings useful but please don't hesitate to email via if you need further information.

We welcome Ed Timmons from DT Coaching who is our PE provider for this academic year. He has started his teaching this week and the feedback is extremely positive. You will have received information regarding the after-school club which commences next week.

The beginning of the year is always a hectic one with lots of information, letters, dates etc coming your way. Please can we ask that you keep a close eye on your emails. Please also check your junk/spam folders as some emails have been sent to these.

Many thanks as always & here's to another fantastic school year where our children 'dream it, believe it & achieve it'.