Book Creator



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Is important to design transgenic food detector because we need to see how many nutrients has each food we buy, but in a clearly way not the confusing stickers of the supermarket, and we need to see how many nutrients it has, of what type and how many of each type of nutrients it has because it can contain something that can make us get sick or get an allergy, or maybe we can thing something is healthy when it isn’t. To now if transgenic food is good it depends on what type of modifications it has because sometimes it can be modifications to clean the product of bacteria that can make us get sick or that preserves the food in a good and healthy way for more time and that’s ok because is better for us, but when it has modifications that at the final only result the modifications was unnecessary
The food detector will help because some people want their food with specific things to be organic or fat free, or maybe they have allergies to some nutrients, or they for a medic condition or diet they need specific nutrients, and with the detector they can see it, and be safe of a sickness, allergy or simply they can eat the food as they want.
The food detector will help because some people want their food with specific things to be organic or fat free, or maybe they have allergies to some nutrients, or they for a medic condition or diet they need specific nutrients, and with the detector they can see it, and be safe of a sickness, allergy or simply they can eat the food as they want.