Book Creator

The Rainbow Fish

by J. P. grade 6


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Come play with us!
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Deep in the ocean there was the most beautiful fish. They called him The Rainbow Fish. His scales were every shade. The other fish wanted to play with him, but he would always swim by.
Please give me one of  your scales, you have so many!
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Who do you think you are?!
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A little blue fish follows after him wanting one of his scales. The Rainbow Fish did not give the fish his scale. The little blue fish did not like that, she told that to her friends. From that day on all the fish were avoiding him.
Why does nobody like me?!
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I do not know. But I know an octopus who knows. It is in a cave.
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The Rainbow Fish was the lonliest fish in the ocean. One day he told his story to one starfish.
Give each one of your scales to every fish!
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I cannot do that!?!?
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The Rainbow Fish finds the cave and sees the octopus. It gave him advice so he can be happy. He went to give his scales away.
Here you go, these are my scales.
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Thank you !!!!
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He gave his scales to the fish. They were happy and thankful. They were all equal now.