Book Creator

Healthy lifestyle


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   Then the little boy stopped crying and remembered the fairy tale that his grandmother, бабуся, used to tell him, "the magic glove".

How he used to  laugh at this fairy tale!!! Petros was curious about it and ooops!
He found himself  in it.

Yeah!!!!! It was the magic glove that started jumping like a wind up toy!!!

Petros felt warmth and security!
 And the magic glove started to... fly and Petros was not afraid.
  After a while the glove made a smooth landing and Petros came out of the glove timidly.
    -     Who are you; Said the boy as he saw a girl.
    - My name is Lambri. What’s yours;
    - Peter. Where am I?
    - In Estonia. In Tallinn. Really, how did you end up in my country? You must be from Ukraine. Only there is a magic glove to be found. And only here am I to be found, Princess Lampri, born from an egg. Do you know this Estonian fairy tale?
 - Yes, I have heard it from my father who traveled a lot, he was a merchant. Nice to meet you Lambri.
 - Come, eat and wash yourself. I also have fresh berries, herbs and vegetables straight from our garden. Come, I will show you the beauties of my country! Hurry because we have a lot to do.